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Philosophy & World Religions

Collection of resources for Philosophy and World Religions (articles, books, and websites)

Resources on Christianity

Call Numbers for Books on Christianity

BR 1 - 1725               Christianity

     BR 60-67              Early Christian Literature. Fathers of the Church

     BR 140-1510        History

BS 1-2970                 Bible

     BS 125-355          Modern texts and versions

     BS 410-680          Works about the Bible

     BS 701-1830        Old Testament

     BS 1901-2970       New Testament

BX 1-9999                  Christian Denominations

     BX 1-9.5                Ecumenical movement.  Interdenominational cooperation

     BX 100-189           Eastern (Oriental) churches

     BX 200-756           Orthodox Eastern Church

     BX 800-4795         Catholic Church

     BX 4800-9999       Protestantism

Other Subject Term Searches:

Christian Philosophy

Christian Ethics

Christianity and Other Religions

Christian Civilization and History

Women in Christianity

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

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