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Philosophy & World Religions

Collection of resources for Philosophy and World Religions (articles, books, and websites)

Find Philosophy Books on the Shelf

B108-708             Ancient

B720-765             Medieval

B770-785             Renaissance 

B790-5802           Modern

BC1-199               Logic 

BD95-131             Metaphysics

BD161-215           Theory of Knowledge

BD143-237           Epistemology

BD300-450           Ontology

BH1-301               Aesthetics

BJ21-1725            Ethical theory, Ethics

BJ1401, BT160     Problem of evil

BL51                     Philosophy of religion

JA36-JC599          Political philosophy

Q175                     Philosophy of science

Primary Sources from Classical Literature

Accessible online through the Harvard Loeb Collection

Find Global Religions Books on the Shelf

BL1-1099            Religions, Mythology, and Rationalism

BL1100 - 1295    Hinduism

BL1300-1380      Jainism

BL1500-1595      Zoroastrianism

BM1-990             Judaism

BP1-253              Islam

BP300-395          Bahai Faith

BP600-610          New Religious Movements

BQ1-9800           Buddhism

BX8601-8695      Mormons, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

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