These steps are for our databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, etc.) Physical books and other material is a different login.
Are you able to log into Brightspace? If you can't log into Brightspace or the databases, contact IT (Help ticket, email, or 303-963-3444)
Did you start from the library's home page or the library's database page? Please start there and not from the Internet.
Here are some tips to troubleshoot this yourself:
1. Try using a different browser, if you are using Chrome, try Firefox, or Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer. This is a quick way to see if this is an issue with your computer’s browser or a more serious problem.
2. Try clearing your browser's history (see instructions below).
3. Restart your computer.
4. Chat with a librarian. 
5. Instructions on how to reset your password. This will reset all CCU logins such as Brightspace and Connect
6. Submit a work order if nothing else works and we will troubleshoot your issue.