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Biblical Studies & Theology

Collection of resources for Biblical Studies and Theology (articles, books, commentaries, and websites)

Commentaries by Viewpoint

Here is a list of Bible commentaries with their viewpoints (moderate, liberal, or conservative), publishers and intended academic levels, compiled by professor Randy Nelson Professor of NT Studies, at Northwestern University in St. Paul and updated by CCU librarians.

NOTE: The viewpoints listed are not indicative of every volume in the series. Rather viewpoints of each volume in a series may vary from author to author. 

Level: UG = undergraduate; Grad = graduate; Pop = popular

Series   Publisher Viewpoints Level 
Abingdon Commentaries Abingdon Moderate - Liberal UG/Grad 
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture InterVarsity UG/Grad
Anchor (Yale) Bible Commentary  Doubleday Conservative - Liberal Grad
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT Baker Conservative UG/Grad
Bible Speaks Today Commentary  InterVarsity Conservative Pop
Black's NT Commentaries Hendrickson Conservative - Liberal   Grad
Eerdmans Critical Commentary Eerdmans Conservative - Moderate   Grad
Expositor's Bible Commentary Zondervan Conservative UG/Grad
Hermeneia Fortress Moderate - Liberal Grad
International Critical Commentary T & T Clark Conservative - Liberal Grad
Interpretation Commentary John Knox/Westminster   Moderate - Liberal UG/Grad
Interpreting Biblical Texts Abingdon Moderate - Liberal UG/Grad
IVP NT Commentary InterVarsity Conservative UG
Lenski's New Testament Commentary Lutheran Book Concern Conservative UG
Life Application Bible Commentary Tyndale Conservative Pop
New American Commentary  Broadman & Holman Conservative UG
New Century Bible Commentary  Eerdmans Conservative - Moderate UG
New International Biblical Commentary  Hendrickson Conservative UG
New International Commentary  Eerdmans Conservative UG/Grad
New International Greek Testament Commentary Eerdmans Conservative - Moderate Grad
New Interpreters Bible  Abingdon Conservative - Liberal UG/Grad
NIV Application Commentary  Zondervan Conservative UG
Pillar NT Commentary Eerdmans Conservative UG/Grad
Sacra Pagina Liturgical Press                  Conservative - Moderate UG/Grad
Tyndale Commentaries Eerdmans Conservative UG
Word Biblical Commentary  Nelson Conservative - Moderate Grad
Wycliffe Commentary  Moody Conservative UG
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT Zondervan Conservative UG/Grad

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