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Company & Industry Information

Collection of resources for Company and Industry Information (articles, books, and websites)

Need to view extensive company information or compare companies?

To view Business descriptions, company investment analysis, corporate strategy, SWOT analysis and company competitors plus much more, check out NexisUni’s Company Info search feature.

1. Navigate to NexisUni (also available on the Databases A – Z list.)

2. Under the “Guided Search” feature click “Company Info” on the far left side of the this box.

3. Enter the company name you are interested in search, this works better than the ticker symbol but both may be available to search for the company you are interested in.

4. Under the “…and show me” section click on “All company information.” And show me drop down menu image

5. Click “Search”  Company info search box overview image

6. From the results list, find and click on the the exact company you are looking for (often the 1st result)

7. From the GlobalData company information sheet, there is a navigation on the far right side that will allow you to jump to the section of interest, such as competitors, SWOT Analysis and more.  Company info navigation image

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