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Company & Industry Information

Collection of resources for Company and Industry Information (articles, books, and websites)


Search by company name or by the industry or service the company provides: Agriculture, Chemicals, Computers, Construction, Electronics, Banks and banking, Finance, Real estate business, Food, Beverages, Tobacco, Glass trade, International business, Plastics, Rubber, Industrial equipment, Information services, Publishers and publishing, Telecommunication, Medical instruments and apparatus industry, Medical care, Metalworking, Minerals, Paper, Petroleum products, Professions, Retail trade, Wholesale trade, Textiles or Clothing, Transportation equipment, Travel or Tourism, Defense, Transportation, Public utilities, Schools.

NAICS and SIC Codes

NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.


The former classification system that you may still work with, is the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) system. The Standard Industrial Classification has been replaced by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), but several OSHA data sets are still available with SIC-based data.

Is it public or private?

You'll need to know if the company is publicly or privately owned (publicly owned companies file reports with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission); privately held companies aren't required to file the same reports.)

Search here for a company's ticker symbol.

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