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See the HD 2709-2930.7s for Corporations including international business enterprises, diversification, industrial concentration, and public utilities.
Cybersecurity Program Development for Business by Chris MoschovitisThis is the book executives have been waiting for. It is clear: With deep expertise but in nontechnical language, it describes what cybersecurity risks are and the decisions executives need to make to address them. It is crisp: Quick and to the point, it doesn't waste words and won't waste your time. It is candid: There is no sure cybersecurity defense, and Chris Moschovitis doesn't pretend there is; instead, he tells you how to understand your company's risk and make smart business decisions about what you can mitigate and what you cannot.
Call Number: Access Online
ISBN: 9781119430001
Publication Date: 2018-04-06
International Business in the Information and Digital Age by Rob van Tulder (Editor); Alain Verbeke (Editor); Lucia Piscitello (Editor)This volume is dedicated to Lorraine Eden for herlifetime contributions to IB scholarship. Her research, spanning severaldecades, has addressed many interdisciplinary and societal themes at the heartof the IB field. The story of her intellectual journey -- strongly influenced bythe coming of age of the fourth industrial revolution -- is shared in the opening chapterof this volume. This thirteenth volume in the PIBR series covers an increasingly importantarea of research for International Business (IB) scholars: the role ofmultinational enterprises (MNEs) in the digital and information age. A limitednumber of MNEs now dominate the landscape of the digital age, but almost allinternationally operating firms are being affected by prevailing trends. How totake stock of these trends? How to develop resilient international businessmodels? How to regulate? The digital age presents new opportunities but alsomajor challenges for established and emerging MNEs alike. This volume brings together papers from leading IB scholars and from academics in adjacent disciplines such as economic geography,international relations and political science, strategic management, andtechnology studies. Four dimensions of the information and digital ageare analyzed using an IB angle: Trends and theories in the information age Entrepreneurial strategies in the informationage Functional strategies in the information age Industry 4.0
Call Number: Access Online
ISBN: 9781787563254
Publication Date: 2018-11-16
Network Industries by Matthias FingerThe unique challenges associated with understanding network industries requires insights from a range of disciplinary perspectives, namely economics, engineering, law, and political science. This book analyzes the de- and re-regulation of the network industries and the regulatory challenges these industries will face in the future. Network industries are characterised by economics that entail limiting effects on competition and market creation, and the book highlights the drivers behind their liberalization as well as the inherent need for regulation as liberalization unfolds.