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Library Policies

Policies for circulation, conduct, and collection development

Visitor Access to Online Content

Visitors and alumni can access all resources, both print and E resources, when in the library (on-site).  Visitors will be logged in by library staff for eBooks and database access, and the print books can be checked out (up to five for Alumni, no limit if a Prospector library patron such as Jefferson County library member, and one for Community Borrowers.)

Off campus access of the electronic resources, per our licenses with vendors, is only available to the currently-enrolled students, faculty, and staff.  This access requires a CCU Login credential that must formally be setup through the Registrar and Technology Support.

Quick Links

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  One on One Appointments with a Librarian!
List of Databases A - Z Start here to begin your research!
  Links to Youtube Tutorials
Suggest a Purchase. Borrow from another library
Renew materials and more! Find out when the library is open

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Quick Links

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  One on One Appointments with a Librarian!
List of Databases A - Z Start here to begin your research!
  Links to Youtube Tutorials
Suggest a Purchase. Borrow from another library
Renew materials and more! Find out when the library is open

Call us


Address: 8787 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226      Phone: 303-963-3250     Email: