Will I Be Charged For This Service?
What Kinds of Notices Will I Get?
Will I Be Charged For This Service?
You’ll receive a list of active and inactive notices. See the ‘What kinds of notices will I get‘ section for more information.
Texts will be sent only when activity on your account triggers a message and will be sent between 9:00am and 7:00pm.
What Kinds of Notices Will I Get?
Text NOTICES to view the current status of all the opt in/out notices.
These notices are ON by default. Texting the keyword (e.g. HOLDS) to librarynotices@shoutbomb.com will turn that type of notice off. Text the keyword again to turn the notice back on.
Other Commands (send all keywords to librarynotices@shoutbomb.com):
TEST: Test your connection to the service.
HELP: Get help with a command. E.g., type HELP FEES to get help with that command.
MYBOOKS: Inquire about the status of all of your library items.
IOWEU: Get a list of fines and fees.
RHL: Get a list of holds expiring soon.
HL: Get a list of holds that are ready to pick up.
OA: The service will attempt to renew all overdue items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.
OL: Generates a numbered list of all overdue items eligible for renewal.
RA: The service will attempt to renew all items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.
RI: Get a list of items that are coming due and that cannot be renewed.
RL: Generates a numbered list of renewable items.
ADDEMAIL: Change email on your account.
SWITCHPHONE: Update your phone number or mobile service provider (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc).
RESEND: Receive last message again.
STOP: Immediately remove your number from the text service, no questions asked.
QUIT: Longer way to quit the service. You will be prompted to enter the student ID# and will receive a message confirming your request.
Address: 8787 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 Phone: 303-963-3250 Email: cculibrary@ccu.edu