Physical Books, Music, and Video through CCU Catalog
What CCU's physical/print collection available in Lakewood, CO
How If item is located in the Whitefield Center, write down the Call Number and locate it within the library. If Off-campus, click
on right side of item, enter name and ID number to process the hold
When Access to Available items is immediate, Unavailable items have to be returned and the next person on the hold cue will be notified via email that the item is ready for them to checkout. Off-campus items will be available within 24 hours (Monday - Friday).
1. Items through Overdrive (renamed Libby) require one to check them out online. They can be read on a computer or the Libby App.
2. Single use eBooks will display in which you will have to come back and try again later.
What Consortia of libraries in the state of Colorado and University of Wyoming.
How Click on right side of item, choose CCU OR choose your local public library, enter name, CCU ID Number, and Personal Identification Number (This means your CCU Library Account password).
When 3-5 days if not currently checked out by another patron
Mobius (Currently unavailable)
What Group of libraries, including some seminaries in the state of Missouri
How Click on right side of item, choose CCU OR choose your local public library, enter name and ID number
When 2 weeks if item is not checked out by another patron
Denver Seminary Thomas Library and Saint John Vianney Seminary Stafford Library
What Two local seminaries with theologically heavy resources
How Visit these libraries, show your CCU ID or anything identifying you as a CCU student. We offer reciprocal borrowing with these libraries through ATLA Reciprocal Borrower Agreement
When Travel to these libraries
University of Colorado – Colorado Springs (UCCS)
What For finding academic materials when you live in Colorado Springs
How If you are not a UCCS alumni or current student/staff/faculty you can use the Colorado Library Card method. This would require you to bring your current public library card to this library to sign up.
When Travel to this library
Mesa County Library and Loveland Public Library
What Utilize Prospector to request CCU and other library materials when you live in Grand Junction or Northern Colorado!
How Access Prospector from one of these library’s website, click request on right side of item, choose the library you want to pick up your item from, enter name and ID number
When 3-5 Days
What Books and other physical items that are not available from our standard sources. These items are sent from other libraries.
How Email with the complete citation of the item along with your name, email and student ID number.
Note: ILL books are only for those individuals who can come to the main Lakewood Campus to pick up their items. We are not able to ship books due to differing loan periods and processing times from the lending libraries.
When 2-3 weeks
Address: 8787 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 Phone: 303-963-3250 Email: