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How to do Research

Topic Development: Discovery

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Discovery Flow

  1. Search for your Topic
    1. EBSCO Discovery Service
    2. Encyclopedia (Credo, Encyclopedia Britannica)
    3. Google Advanced Search OR Google Scholar
    4. Wikipedia
  2. Refine your topic to an aspect you wish to research and keep track of keywords, subject terms, sources, and authors as you find them.
  3. Consider aspects your topic, such as historical, sociological, scientific etc.
  4. Write a thesis (subject to change as you research more)

Disclaimer - The information you find in sources such as Wikipedia and Google are not to be confused with sources you should use in your project. These preliminary sources are to help discover and develop your topic and eventually lead you to the sources found in the "search" section of the Research Process. Wikipedia and Google are great tools to get started but are NOT considered scholarly themselves.

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